
Towards the Seventh Assessment Report: Experts from Italian institutions selected for Scoping Meetings

The final selection of international experts participating in the Scoping Meetings for the Methodology Report on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage and the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7) includes four experts based in Italy: Soheil Shayegh (CMCC) for the Methodology Report, Anna Pirani (CMCC), Valentina Bosetti (CMCC and Bocconi University), and Marc Zebisch (EURAC Research) for the AR7. In addition, Giacomo Grassi (JRC), Bureau member of the Task Force on greenhouse gas inventories (TFI) will also participate in both scoping meetings.

The Scoping Meeting for the Methodology Report is taking place now in Copenhagen, Denmark, from 14 to 16 October, while the Scoping Meeting for the AR7 will be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 9 to 13 December. The meetings will focus on producing draft Scoping Papers describing the objectives and annotated outlines of the Assessments and Methodology Reports.

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The IPCC Bureau has selected a diverse group of international experts coming from a wide range of geographical and disciplinary backgrounds to contribute to these scoping exercises. The IPCC Focal Point for Italy supported the process by collecting and transmitting nominations of experts based in Italy for the Bureau to consider; four experts based in Italy were selected.

Soheil Shayegh is a scientist at the CMCC Foundation and the CMCC Scientific Leader of the UPTAKE project, which aims to upscale Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) methodologies through comprehensive technical, theoretical, and practical analysis and active involvement with relevant stakeholders.

Valentina Bosetti is a senior scientist at the CMCC Foundation and a full professor at the Department of Economics of Bocconi University, where she teaches Environmental and Climate Change Economics. She previously contributed as a lead author to the Working Group III of both the Fifth and Sixth IPCC Assessment Reports.

Anna Pirani is a senior research associate at the CMCC Foundation, where she also serves as the IPCC Focal Point Alternate for Italy. She has played key roles in the IPCC as former Head of the Working Group I Technical Support Unit, as executive editor of the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C and the IPCC AR6 in Working Group I. She was a coordinating author for the first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA).

Marc Zebisch is a climate risk researcher and the Head of the Center for Climate Change and Transformation at EURAC Research. His experience includes climate risk assessments for national governments and participation in several European climate research programs and committees, such as the European Topic Centre on Climate Change Adaptation and LULUCF (EEA-ETC_CA). He was a coordinating author for the first European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA).

The Scoping Meeting for the Methodology Report on Carbon Dioxide Removal Technologies and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage gathers experts with the goal of drafting the outline for the Methodology Report, aimed at updating the 2006 Guidelines for the preparation of national inventories, as requested by the IPCC during its 60th session.

The AR7 Scoping Meeting will discuss the outlines of the three Working Group Reports of the AR7 and their timelines for preparation. The three Working Groups of the Seventh Assessment Report will focus on the physical aspects of climate change, its impacts, vulnerability, adaptation and the possible mitigation responses, similar to previous assessment cycles.

The outcomes of the two Scoping Meetings will be presented to the IPCC Panel during its 62nd session to be held in the first quarter of 2025 for agreement. The call for authors of the Methodology Report and the three Working Group reports will be subsequently issued.